
Sunday 8 September 2013

Back 2 School: Getting Started ┐('~`;)┌

Hello my lovelies~!

Tomorrow is my first day back as a Year 13 student... and i'm bricking it. The workload is going to be so much more than last year, and i'm going to have hardly any time to manage my blog and Youtube. //sadtimes// But let's forget about me for a while, i'm making this post to help you guys! Whether you're a new Year 7 student or starting your GCSE's or A levels, Auntie Krissie is here to help! (oh my)

Homework / Coursework:

When you get set a piece of homework, i would suggest getting to it straight away. And i mean STRAIGHT AWAY. You might as well get it out of the way, ready for a night full of watching anime x). But seriously, if you leave things to the last minute like i have in the past, you will regret it - no doubt. That will just pile on and add even more stress to your school life, and you might not even do it in the end; you might get a detention or whatever because of that. This is exactly the same with coursework. Once you know what you're doing and how to do it (this means asking questions/for help), then get right to it. Finishing a piece of coursework, or the whole thing all together, is the BEST feeling in school.. no joke.

To help with this, i would suggest getting a planner, and writing in it every single day - about homework that's been set, when stuff's due, reminders etc.
Something like this! This is a super cute one from Wilkinsons for only £2!!


REVISING FOR EXAMS IS ESSENTIAL, AHHHH. Was that enough emphasis? I didn't nearly revise enough for my exams last year, and i could of done better i must admit. Revision shouldn't be about learning new things, it should be about going over the stuff you already know and remembering it. If you don't know about a certain topic in your notes, go ask for help.
Let's think of it this way: if you don't revise and know the stuff, you won't pass - simple!

- Find a way that suits you: spider diagram, post-it notes, flash cards etc.
- Make a revision timetable so you have designated days and times for each subject
- Actually do it.. XD

Others: Bullies, Friends, Boyfriends/Girlfriends:

I can safely say, i had my fair share of bullying over my time in high school. It's not a nice thing to go through, so i hope you guys don't have to/haven't/aren't etc. The obvious thing to say, is if you're getting bullied - tell someone! Whether it's a teacher, parent, or even just a close friend.. it really helps, trust me. :) There isn't anything you can do to stop being bullied. If you're a quiet wallflower, they'll say something about that. Heck, even if you are the bully, there will be someone to say something about you aswell. Just make sure you show absolutely NO signs that you care. Once you show them that they're effecting you, they will continue and never stop.

Honestly, the people you are friends with in high school will mostly likely disappear from your lives quiet quickly. Some of you might be going to different colleges or universities, so naturally you just drift apart. So what i'm going to say, is make the most of them whilst you've got them. Don't bother with petty fights or arguments, it's totally NOT worth it!

Personally, i find it very hard to make new friends. But all i can say is, just be yourself! Try not to be nervous, don't try and change your personality to fit someone else's preference. Just smile, be approachable and positive! It worked for me - i love my friends!!

Please guys, please please PLEASE do not worry about being in a relationship. I may sound like my Asian mum right now, but just focus on your studies! High school and getting your GCSE's/A levels are like the foundation on which you build your future. Without them, your future will suck because you'll have no qualifications to do..barely anything. If things just happen to fall in place and your get a bf/gf, then okay fine - good for you! But you need to make sure they don't distract you from your work. School is your priority. Besides, i don't think a 14 year old should be worrying about kissing a boy.../shrug/

I hope this post helped you all in some way, good luck going back to school guys!

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