
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Wednesday Wants - Bodyline Lolita Edition •ᴥ•

Hello my lovelies~!

So yay! I'm starting a new thing called Wednesday Wants, where every Wednesday i'm going to list a few things that i've found online or around that i really really reaaaally bloody want! but most likely can't have :c
This time i'm going to talking about Bodyline products, lolita in particular. Now, i've wanted to get into lolita fashion for quite some time now, but i'm no where near rich enough to buy loads of Angelic Pretty brand clothes!! So, I went through the Bodyline website and found some really cute things i like, and now i'm going to share them with you!

Bodyline is a really cheap alternative to brand lolita items. Some people think it's bad to buy lolita from Bodyline that isn't a "real" brand. But personally, i think it's okay! You're still supporting the fashion, brand or not! It's not my fault i can't afford a £200 dress...

1: (NOT A JSK) This is the cutest dress ever, i've totally fallen in love with it *-* This is the one i want the most out of these, because cmon.. just looks at that adorable design!! Plus, purple is my favourite colour, so that's a bonus! But it does come in a range of colours, just like everything else in this list.
2: I absolutely love this one. It came in yellow, pink and blue, but i decided to go for the black one because i don't see many black sweet lolita clothes! I think it's the coolest one and the cake designs on the bottom are so so so cute!
3: When i first went onto Bodyline and looked at the lolita stuff, for the first time ever, this is the JSK i wanted (and i still do!). It's just so frilly and purple and amazing and omg. The lace detailing on it is so beautiful and the hearts and ribbons are just adorable, they go so well together!

Side note: JSK stands for Jumper Skirt. A JSK is a dress type thing with no sleeves that you put over a blouse or shirt! If i'm correct xD

1: Out of all the long sleeved blouses, this is my favourite! Even though the model looks a bit..scary LOL. I really love the bow at the top, it's adorable! The detailing in the collar is nice and i liked how the rest of it is just plain and simple, gorgeous!!
2: Okay this is the one i really really want. I love collars and this one is just so cute! The little pearls and lace detailing is amazing and i love the ruffles that runs down the button line! Also the sleeves are all puffy and cute :3

1: I can probably find shoes like this on eBay or something, but i think these would be the best value for price! The little ruffle detail around the edges is simple yet cute, and the heart buckles are adorable! I like the little heel as well, adds a bit of height! This pair comes in so many colours, as does the other one so you can buy loads! YAY!
2: I LOVE these shoes! Normally when choosing shoes, i just go for quite basic ones that are not too in your face. But these.. i just fell in love with for some reason! I couldn't choose between brown or white, but in the end i chose brown. But i wouldn't mine getting them in white too, hehe. The bows are just so cute and again, heart buckles, Bodyline what are you doing to me?! *dies of cuteness* But, the heels of it is a bit risen which i think it quite cool because i tend to find that the heels of shoes rub on my feet giving me blisters. So i don't think these will! Huzzah!

Thanks for reading about my crazy Bodyline finds! I hope you like my choices and maybe you'll buy them! I hope one day i can buy a proper lolita dress or something, that would be nice. Thanks again!

I'll be putting out new posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! Follow me on Bloglovin or any of my social networks to keep updated! ox

Sunday 8 September 2013

Back 2 School: Getting Started ┐('~`;)┌

Hello my lovelies~!

Tomorrow is my first day back as a Year 13 student... and i'm bricking it. The workload is going to be so much more than last year, and i'm going to have hardly any time to manage my blog and Youtube. //sadtimes// But let's forget about me for a while, i'm making this post to help you guys! Whether you're a new Year 7 student or starting your GCSE's or A levels, Auntie Krissie is here to help! (oh my)

Homework / Coursework:

When you get set a piece of homework, i would suggest getting to it straight away. And i mean STRAIGHT AWAY. You might as well get it out of the way, ready for a night full of watching anime x). But seriously, if you leave things to the last minute like i have in the past, you will regret it - no doubt. That will just pile on and add even more stress to your school life, and you might not even do it in the end; you might get a detention or whatever because of that. This is exactly the same with coursework. Once you know what you're doing and how to do it (this means asking questions/for help), then get right to it. Finishing a piece of coursework, or the whole thing all together, is the BEST feeling in school.. no joke.

To help with this, i would suggest getting a planner, and writing in it every single day - about homework that's been set, when stuff's due, reminders etc.
Something like this! This is a super cute one from Wilkinsons for only £2!!


REVISING FOR EXAMS IS ESSENTIAL, AHHHH. Was that enough emphasis? I didn't nearly revise enough for my exams last year, and i could of done better i must admit. Revision shouldn't be about learning new things, it should be about going over the stuff you already know and remembering it. If you don't know about a certain topic in your notes, go ask for help.
Let's think of it this way: if you don't revise and know the stuff, you won't pass - simple!

- Find a way that suits you: spider diagram, post-it notes, flash cards etc.
- Make a revision timetable so you have designated days and times for each subject
- Actually do it.. XD

Others: Bullies, Friends, Boyfriends/Girlfriends:

I can safely say, i had my fair share of bullying over my time in high school. It's not a nice thing to go through, so i hope you guys don't have to/haven't/aren't etc. The obvious thing to say, is if you're getting bullied - tell someone! Whether it's a teacher, parent, or even just a close friend.. it really helps, trust me. :) There isn't anything you can do to stop being bullied. If you're a quiet wallflower, they'll say something about that. Heck, even if you are the bully, there will be someone to say something about you aswell. Just make sure you show absolutely NO signs that you care. Once you show them that they're effecting you, they will continue and never stop.

Honestly, the people you are friends with in high school will mostly likely disappear from your lives quiet quickly. Some of you might be going to different colleges or universities, so naturally you just drift apart. So what i'm going to say, is make the most of them whilst you've got them. Don't bother with petty fights or arguments, it's totally NOT worth it!

Personally, i find it very hard to make new friends. But all i can say is, just be yourself! Try not to be nervous, don't try and change your personality to fit someone else's preference. Just smile, be approachable and positive! It worked for me - i love my friends!!

Please guys, please please PLEASE do not worry about being in a relationship. I may sound like my Asian mum right now, but just focus on your studies! High school and getting your GCSE's/A levels are like the foundation on which you build your future. Without them, your future will suck because you'll have no qualifications to do..barely anything. If things just happen to fall in place and your get a bf/gf, then okay fine - good for you! But you need to make sure they don't distract you from your work. School is your priority. Besides, i don't think a 14 year old should be worrying about kissing a boy.../shrug/

I hope this post helped you all in some way, good luck going back to school guys!

Thursday 5 September 2013

Favourite Animes ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

Hello my lovelies~!

So it was requested by Frances that i make a post about my favourite animes! Obviously, i can't choose a top 5 or whatever, so i'm just going to name a few. Watching anime is one of my favourite things to do, so naturally you can imagine it was bloody hard to pick the best ones!

Future Diary (Mirai Nikki) - 2012 / 26 Episodes+OVA

Genre: Action, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural, Survival Horror, Suspense

Basically, it's about this pathetic excuse of a guy called Yukkiteru and because he's a loner - he keeps a diary on his phone of everything going on around him (he obviously has nothing better to do). He has this imaginary friend called Deus, and he's the God of space and time. But it turns out, he's not imaginary at all! DUNDUNDUN.  So, Yukkiteru becomes a "diary holder" along with other people who keep different kinds of diaries, and using their diaries they have to find out eachother's identity and kill eachother. The last one standing will become the new God of time and space (as Deus of dying).

There are some crazy characters. My favourite character is Yuno, another diary holder. She is a bat-shit crazy yandere who is obsessed with Yuki and her diary is the "Yukkiteru diary". Weird, right? She has a really crazy past and tendencies to go mental.. but in the end, you just love her!

Storyline = 4/5 
The story for this anime is really well thought out, and there are some amazing twists and turns!! However, sometimes i did get confused because there was a lot going on in different worlds (hohoho spoilers).

Characters = 4/5 
I guess the main character is a little cliche, as he's the typical shy, awkward and scaredy cat boy who needs to find the will to fight.. But other than that, all the characters are just amazing and there's such a variety!

Animation = 5/5 
I can't fault the animation at all. It was so smooth and crisp, during the fight scenes and sad moments too. AHH It was just amazing!

No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! (Watamote) - Ongoing

Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life

Holy shit, Watamote is one of my favourite ongoing animes at the moment. It's about this girl called Tomoko who strives to be popular. She wants to get noticed by guys and get boyfriends, be super popular, look hot and just have a good time! However, she is a social reject and can't speak normally with people, can't interact with other..human beings, haha. This anime is about her journey to social success.

This anime has a reputation for being "too real". Tomoko literally says everything you're thinking.. Like how certain girls look slutty or fat, or how that guy looks hot and she even plays dating sim games. This anime REALLY hit home for me because i did get bullied quite a bit on high school and didn't have many friends, so i can really relate to a lot of the topics that arise in this show - it made me cry, lol.

Each episode is Tomoko attempting to become popular in a different way. One focuses on her changing her image to get noticed, and another focuses on her trying to boost her hobbies and skills.

Storyline = 5/5 
You may be thinking that this storyline sounds a little cliche - "A girl who wants to be popular". But it involves so many realistic and hard-hitting topics to make you laugh and cry, that it's just freaking awesome.

Characters = 4/5 
I'm only giving the characters a 4/5 because, there is only one main character and this whole anime revolves around her. Her persona is just hilarious, don't get me wrong! However, this anime hasn't really touched on any character development from other people yet - except her younger brother..but that's not much. 

Animation = 5/5 
Again, the animation is flawless. To be honest, there isn't any crazy action scenes or blood splatters.. but for what it is, it's really good!

One Piece - Ongoing..oh yeah.

Genre: Action, Adventure. Comedy-drama

One Piece is about a teenage guy called Monkey D. Luffy, or Luffy for short, who wants to become "King of the Pirates". To claim the title "King", he needs to go on a long-ass journey to find this special treasure called the "One Piece", which was buried by the last King of the Pirates. So, overtime he forms a crew, consisting of some crazy-ass people, and sets sail as the Straw Hat Pirates!! There are special fruits out there called "Devil Fruits" and when you eat them, you recieve a power of the devil fruit. Luffy ate one as a child, and has the Gum-Gum Power, meaning he can stretch his limbs/skin etc.. HE'S A RUBBER GUY!

One Piece is the most popular anime and manga in Japan, of ALL time.. and now i can see why. It took about a year to persuade me to watch One Piece, because of the sheer number of episodes and the storyline just didn't appeal to me. However, I WAS SO WRONG.

One Piece is literally, one of the bloody longest anime/manga i have EVER seen. The anime so far consists of 610 episodes and i'm only in the 100's... But it's such a feel-good anime that you can just watch whenever you want and don't have to worry.

Storyline = 4/5 
I'm going to give it a 4 because the story didn't appeal to me at all. When i heard it was about pirates, i was just like "nah ah", therefore it took me very long to be persuaded into watching this. However, it's actually really great and they put a nice modern swing on it. Also, there is quite a lot of filler in this anime so i would suggest looking them up on forum websites to check which episodes to skip...that's such a pain in the bum.

Characters = 5/5 
There characters in One Piece has such amazing backstories, it makes you want to laugh and cry! Each person is really well developed, sometimes taking a few episodes, but it's so worth it.

Animation = 4/5 
One Piece started airing in the 1990's, so obviously there's going to be some animation slip ups to begin with, and some things look a bit iffy. But as time progresses and it becomes more recent, the animation is just great!

And last but not least...

Attack On Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin) - Ongoing

Genre: Dark Fantasy, Tragedy, Dystopia, Action

OH MY GOD, OKAY. I love Attack On Titan - it's my favourite anime of all time right now. I make reactions to it every weekend on my Youtube channel and i fangirl for days.

Attack On Titan follows main character Eren Jaeger, his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and their best friend Armin Arlet, in the hope of saving humanity. Their community live inside 3 layers of walls, to protect them from Titans (giants) invading their shit. But one day, a huge ass 60 meter Colossuss Titan smashes through the wall, letting other titans inside the villages, and causes havoc. Immense amount of people start getting eaten and killed, including Eren's mother, so he joins the Survey Corpse (our equivalent to the military), along with Mikasa and Armin, in order to kill all the titans and avenge his mothers death!!! It's all very fabulous!

It's just so sad because the boys discuss their dreams of adventuring outside of walls and exploring the sea, and mountains etc... then the titans come along and fuck everything up.

This anime keeps me on the edge of my seat, every single freaking week and i absolutely love it. It's like no other anime i've ever watched as the whole concept of giants, has never been done before in anime history (apparently, anyway). Also, the opening for Shingeki are the best openings you will ever watch. The animation is so amazing and the songs are just orgasms for your ears. The soundtracks played throughout the anime are amazing and will eargasm.

Storyline = 5/5 
As i just said, this whole concept is incredibly original and has never been done before.

Characters = 5/5 
These characters are some of the most amazing and developed ones i've ever been graced with. Eren, and Mikasa in particular, have such crazy pasts.. I wanted to cry, oh my goodness. 

Animation = 5/5 
Attack On Titan has the BEST animation i have EVER seen in any anime, in my entire life. The fighting and action scenes are executed beautifully and everything is just flawless. Even when they're crying, you can see all the emotion and ahh.. *tears up*

So i hope you got a little taster of some of my favourite anime shows, and you never know.. you might end up loving them too! If i would recommend any series in particular out of them lot, i would suggest watching Attack On Titan. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!

Monday 26 August 2013

Back 2 School: Essentials (´・ω・`)

Hello my lovelies~!

It's that time of year again, uh oh..
I know all of you American's are back to school already, and i hope it's going great! But for all you UK people, like myself, there's only a week or so of summer break left!! Either way, this post is my attempt at helping you guys get back into the swings of things, education wise.

Remember guys, education is sexy 8-)

In this post, i will be sharing with you some of the absolute essentials i bring to school! Varying from stationary to random crap, but believe me - it's all way or another.

1: I love floral print, so this one is perfect! The colours are really pretty, and i really like the fact it has a built in mirror so you can check yourself out in class ;)
2: Super adorable! I love cats, it's a shame i'm allergic to them. This shape makes it very spacious, and it's a bargain at only £1!
3: I think this pencil case can be used by boys and girls, because cmon, everyone loves a bit o' Marvel!
4: One of my favourites here, a Kpop pencil case! There's a huge range of them on StoreEnvy, so go check them out!
5: This one is so pretty, and it looks really fluffy aswell! Who can resist that face?!
6: I used to have a pencil case with a very similar design, and i got a lot of compliments on it! Very simple, but very cute!

TOP TIP #1: Get a clear pencil case to use in exams! When taking an exam, they don't allow regular pencil cases, so take in a clear one! It's safer, quicker and saves you from having to carry all your equipment in with you.

Folder: We all need a folder to keep our crap in, rather than having it all over the place. The print on this folder is just super pretty, look at the butterflies!
Stationary Set: I LOVE the print on this set! The ice lollies and ice creams are so cute and it comes with everything you need! Plus, freakin' bargain at only £1.00!
Ruler: I have this ruler and it's an absolute live saver. Not only is it 30cm, it folds in half so you can fit it into your pencil case snug as a bug in a rug.. lol wut.
Eraser Set: I want this set of rubbers so badly, they're cute AND practical! But remember, don't eat them...ew.
Notebook and Sharpie: There's a whole range of these notebooks on StoreEnvy and i love them all! But some had swear words on, so i chose the most appropriate.. But go take a look, they're amazing!

TOP TIP #2: Always keep a pen, pencil and rubber in your bag incase you're a clumsy idiot like me and forget to pack your pencil case - you have spares!

Cartoon Bag: I love these so much, aren't they cool?! They're normal backpacks, but are made to look like cartoons.. trippy, huh?
Hello Kitty: I know, i know.. It's very expensive! But all Zatchels bags are handmade in the UK. They have their own Hello Kitty range, so go take a look!
Totoro: My Neighbour Totoro is my favourite Studio Ghibli film, so i had to incorporate Totoro in here some how! He's just so adorable and it makes me smile! The pocket at the front is really convenient and the colours really compliment eachother.
Brown Backpack: These range of backpacks are part of Accessorize's new range, and i freakin' love them! The colour brown goes with everything, and their are loads of compartments to put your stuff in!
Floral backpack: I love florals so much, it's my favourite kind of print. Black matches absolutely everything and because it's made out of Nylon, it's easy to clean.
Tote bag: I love the edgy print on this tote bag, and it's good if you just have hardly any books to carry around that day.

TOP TIP #3: If you can, use a backpack for school. I love backpacks because they're adorable, but they're really practical as well. The two straps balance out the weight evenly on your back, making it less of a pain to carry around! Also, designate each section of your bag for certain things, for example: main section for books, front pocket for lip balm/hand cream, inside hidden pocket for phone etc. You get my drift?

Left to right: Vaseline // Hand Cream // Mirror // Tissues // Bottle // Lunch Bag // Plasters

Vaseline: I always carry Vaseline around with me because my lips get really dry. However, Vaseline is useful for many other things, like dry skin and hydrating your eyelashes, believe it or not.
Hand cream: Personally, i don't carry around hand cream because i sweat..a lot LOL. But if you get dry hands, this is a must! Plus, Aveeno is an amazing brand.
Mirror: To save you time from going all the way to the toilets to get your image, just carry around a pocket mirror!
Tissues: My friends always come to me if they want a tissue, i always have a pack handy. Most classrooms should have a box of tissues somewhere, but if you're too embarrassed to ask and really need to blow your schnoz, have your own packet at the ready.
Bottle: Just like the tissues, i'm always the person carrying around a drink and constantly get asked "Oh Krissie, can I have some of your drink?" And I'm just thinking: "F*ck Off!" You need to keep hydrated throughout the day, so i suggest you have your own bottle of water with you at all times.
Lunch Bag: Have a lunch box or bag is a really handy way to store your lunch in. Most lunch bags have thermal panels inside, to keep your food cool or warm. They do add a little more weight to carry, but it's so worth it!
Plasters: You never know what will happen in school.. ever. So it's best to carry around some plasters with you in case. Who wouldn't want Snow White on their knee?

(I didn't include any make up in the random section, because i don't wear much make up. However, i would suggest carrying around some concealer just to be safe!)

And they were my Back 2 School Essentials!! YAY! I hope this helped you in some way or another!


Friday 16 August 2013

Quick & Easy Chocolate Cookie Recipe! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ

Hello my lovelies~!
Recently I made these really yummy chocolate cookies, so I thought I would share the recipe with you guys! It's super duper easy and requires minimal effort! haha!

Remember to wash your hands, you dirty people

You will need:
1 cup of plain white flour
1 cup of chocolate spread (I used Nutella - the more the better!)
1 egg
A drop of milk


1. Preheat your oven to 180
2. Put the flour, chocolate spread and egg into a bowl and mix it all together
3. When everything is evenly mixed together, add a splash of milk and carry on mixing (the milk should make the dough stick together)
4. Rip pieces of dough off, roll into circles then flatten out in cookie shapes (or whatever bloody shapes you want!)
5. Place them all onto a tray and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes (but it could vary)
6. Take the cookies out, let them cool down, THEN EAT!!!

It's such a quick recipe, i made these cookies two days in a row LOL. (▰˘◡˘▰)

TIP:  If your cookies start to go hard or whatever, you can just pop them in the microwave for 20 seconds and they'll soften up again! And besides, I like cookies more when they're warm.

If you use this recipe, send me a picture of your cookies! Either on Twitter, Facebook or here!

Monday 12 August 2013

Ebay Seller Review: cosplayanimewigsヽ(゜∇゜)ノ

Hello my lovelies~!
Today i'm doing my first ever review of a product, AHHH! It's of a long, jade green wig from the seller  "cosplayanimewigs" on Ebay.

The wig came in a small packet, as shown here:
The wig was packed inside a long plastic zip lock bag, and i was very surprised that the wig didn't smell bad. (You know, when a product is kept in a plastic bag for ages, you take it out and it smells like shit?) It had a big hair net wrapped around the whole wig, stopping it from getting tangled etc, which i thought was nice.

So a plopped my wig cap on (quite carelessly tbh) and shoved the wig on my head. It felt very cosy and snug, a really nice fit! It did feel quite... heavy? but i think that's just because i put my hair in a bun and the wig cap was tight on my head and, gahhhh, i'm not used to that feeling yet LOL. But there are little adjusting pully things to change the size if it actually is too tight for you!

The actual feel of the wig is really nice, it doesn't feel like crappy synthetic hair - It's really soft! It was barely tangled or knotty when i first took it out and it just needed and little bit of brushing, then it was silky smooth. However a few strands did fall out whilst brushing, but tbh i was brushing it a lot... LOL.
The photo shown on the website looked pretty much exactly the same as the wig i received which was brilliant. (The colour looks a bit blue in that photo, but it's just the lighting)


Shipping/Postage = 5/5 
I purchased this item on 30th July and received it today on 12th August, which is just under two weeks! I was SO surprised to see this come through my letterbox because it said on Ebay, that the estimated delivery date was 15th August - 2nd September, so that was absolutely fabulous! PLUS, the shipping cost was free!! BONUS!

Communication = 5/5 
 I didn't actually (need to) message this seller as all the transactions were fast and smooth, so no problems at all!

Product = 5/5 
The wig itself is amazing! It feels really nice to the touch and doesn't get tangled or knotted easily. The way it's cut is really nice, and only needs a bit of trimming as the fringe is a bit long. The colour is really pretty and is just like the stock photo on the website and feels nice and comfortable whilst wearing, so thumbs up!!

You can buy the wig here:

Here is the seller:

...And now, me camera whoring! YAY!
This wig is for my Female Roronoa Zoro cosplay and i think it's pretty perfect, don't you? I want some feedback on how suitable it is, so please tell me!